Mencius (372?-289 BC) advocated that those in power should govern with love and benevolence. He believed that humans by nature have love for their fellows, but that this needs to be widely inclusive in order to constitute a true rule with benevolence. Love and benevolence begin with close family and relatives but then should spread to embrace all t…
A person who repeatedly acts immorally will only end up in total failure. Buyi (不 义) is an act which violates the principles of yi (义 righteousness). Righteousness is the moral code broadly accepted by a society; it is synonymous with yi (宜 propriety), meaning the observance of what is fit and proper. The Chinese have championed righteousness s…
All beings ceaselessly move in the alternation of birth and death, like the turning of a wheel. The notion of the “turning of the wheel,” i.e., reincarnation, assumes that the soul does not follow the ruin and disappearance of the body. That is why it can ceaselessly return and be received in a new body in the alternation of life and death. In In…